Service By Referral from Doctor or Nurse Practitioner Only
I am looking forward to meeting you and helping you with your toe(s).
I am prepared to do your Vandenbos procedure same day. Please be ready. You will leave the office with a big, bulky dressing on your toe(s) so bring an open sandal to slip on after the procedure. You will need a driver so you can travel home with your foot elevated.
Please download and read the handouts below:
1. Vandenbos Consent
2. Vandenbos Patient Instructions
Checkout Dr. Chapeskie's website, for more info.
The content on is for information only, should not be taken as a medical prescription and does not replace the individualized care and direction provided by one's personal doctor or nurse practitioner.
Please consult a regulated healthcare provider prior to making any significant lifestyle changes, especially if you are on medications that may be affected by a change in your dietary pattern like those that lower blood pressure or blood sugar.